Interview with Marc Wilken, CEO

LTT recently launched its new website with a new design. What exactly is behind this?

Behind it is the brand relaunch of Lufthansa Technical Training, which has been actively driven and implemented by our marketing team for several weeks. In line with Lufthansa's current corporate design, we have developed an independent brand presence with special design elements. This includes, for example, our new key visual - the speech bubble, which stands for communication, exchange and dialog - in line with the training business. Bright designs, free, light compositions, well-structured content, large images and a new accent color also round off the new design.

Why did LTT decide to take this step now?

After more than 25 years in the "old" look, it was time for a change - as noted, analogous to Lufthansa and Lufthansa Technik. We would have liked to have taken this step a little earlier; unfortunately, the global crisis slowed us down at this point. But now we are going full throttle - especially because we are about to publish our strategy for the next three to five years. The new design helps us to emphasize the key themes of the strategy.

To what extent does the new design support the strategy?

The new design has a symbolic character after the crisis; it creates identity, especially internally, but also sends a clear signal externally.Internally: The crisis has been overcome, things are looking up again and we are investing in ourselves and our brand! We have a future and can build on it together. 
Externally: The external appearance is an important element for positioning in the market. It embodies self-confidence: As a modern, agile and flexible company, we know who we are and have a clear message of what we want!

What is meant by message - what does LTT want?

We have formulated a Purpose Statement to answer why we do what: "We are a trusted partner for qualification solutions - We innovate technical training for the aviation industry."

What does that mean in detail?

We want to be a reliable partner that satisfies its customers in the long term. With our strategic view, we want to look into the future together with our customers. In doing so, we think of the entire value chain and not of individual products. Everything revolves around the overall process for qualification solutions and the total cost of qualification. We continue to formulate the claim to teach innovatively with the latest methods and techniques and to be a leader in this. We focus on the aviation industry, but this does not mean that we cannot pass on our aviation know-how to other industries.

What happens now with this Purpose Statement?

We have derived a total of seven clusters and so-called "Strategic Objectives" for the next three to five years from the Purpose Statement, which in turn contain a target. Measures have been identified to achieve these goals. These will change over the years as they are always adapted to current developments and the progress we have made. All measures will and must feed into the clusters and thus the Purpose Statement.